

The twister is a bar that rotates, and contains a handle set off from each other at about 20 degrees. When you grab on one handle, the next handle is slightly down and angled down. It rotates everytime you grab a new handle.

Single Attempt Obstacle
  • Skills
    Core / Grip Strength
  • Race Types
    Sprint / Super / Beast

Grip and Upper Body Strength Training Equipment

Key Exercises

    Farmers Carry
    Dead Hang

Tips for the obstacle

  • travel backwards
  • bent arms

Ways to Train

    Official Rulebook Details

    • Traverse the rungs using ONLY your hands and ring the bell. Feet cannot touch the ground or the rungs.
    • Competitor must stay on the bottom of the obstacle. Competitor cannot complete the obstacle on the top.
    • Any part of the body touching the ground between the start and finish area.
    • Feet touching bars above head.
    • Using side supports.
    • Not ringing the bell
    • Competitor is committed to their lane and considered to have attempted the obstacle, once both of Competitor’s feet have left the starting step.
    • When an option is provided between grips and no grips, elite racers are not required to choose a specific option.


    Videos and documents for reference